I have a lot of Republican friends and I'm independent. I've voted third party, Dem and GOP at various times depending on the candidate and issues. I really research them before I vote.
The thing is - at least among my friends - they are decent people. They want their daughters to go to college. They encourage them to do sports, have friends, and live independent lives. In one case, the daughter didn't want to go to college, so the parents helped her start a business.
I know a few families who have homeschooled, and they are not insane. A couple of them are actually very liberal and do it because the public schools stink and they wanted to encourage their children to excel. So one girl had a telescope when she was 12 and her younger brother was baking cakes and started his own business selling them to people in their (liberal) church.
The problem with stereotypes - they separate people. In reality, MOST conservatives and MOST liberals can find common ground in lots of areas. NO DECENT PERSON would advocate child marriage.
If people actually united for things that they all agrree on instead of badmouthing each other, think what could be accomplished?