I like to treat people with respect even if they disagree with me. And I do not categorize groups of people. In the past, when people dehumanized other groups of people, it led to things like Jim Crow. Or the Holocaust. Or the genocide committed by the Khmer Rouge.
I do agree with you that it's better to say angry words than to hurt people.
And I also think you have the right to say whatever you like. Just like people who disagree with you or me are also free to say whatever they like. That is what freedom of speech means. Whether or not I like the speech, or the person saying it, I support their rights.
That's because I'm a traditional liberal. I support the rights of even people I don't personally like because when you start demonizing people... it's a slippery slope and it leads to the type of atrocities that have killed hundreds of millions of people in the 20th century alone.