I switched to pastured animal products years ago because I just could not live with myself if I continued to support the factory farms.
They torture animals, are cruel to their workers and bad for the environment. Why would anyone support them?
I like the idea that when I buy pastured meat and eggs, I support a smaller family farm, for the most part. When I can, I visit the farm so I can see for myself that the animals are indeed treated humanely.
This means I pay more for my meat. Since I am on a limited budget, that means I eat less meat. But this is fine.
The healthiest diet, I think, is one where you eat meat in moderation and try to use the whole animal. I don’t eat meat every day. I think this is healthier and probably closer to our ancestral roots — in hunter/gatherer societies the hunters didn’t always come back with a kill.
Since I eat less meat, I eat more vegetables. I often eat vegan when I go out since I don’t know the source of the meat except at a few places. I also eat a lot of vegan meals at home — probably about half my meals.
I have tried to go vegan and I know some vegans will attack me because I do eat meat, but I had health issues when I tried going completely vegan. I think eating humanely raised, pastured meat products that are sustainably raised, with respect for farmers, animals and the planet is a good option for those of us who can’t go vegan.