I think everyone has the right to have a child, but they don’t have the right to have other people pay for that child. If you are on welfare, you should not be having more children.
I understand that sometimes people end up on welfare through no fault of their own. And I think it’s good to have a safety net in place so people can get back on their feet. I know of many people who used welfare for a short period of time while they got their lives back together, to support themselves and their children. Then they have gone on to get jobs and support themselves.
However, while someone is struggling to hold their head above water, the last thing they need to be doing is having another child. Wait until you can take care of yourself before you bring another innocent being into the world.
I don’t support Norplant for welfare recipients because it lasts for 5 years. However, I would be fine with something that lasted for a shorter period of time — maybe 6 months.
BTW, this is not a racial issue for me. More white women are on welfare then black ones. The only person I knew, personally, who kept having children while on welfare was white — she dated a colleague of mine, and had 3 children by 2 different men while on welfare.
I am against discrimination against all races, genders, ethnicities, religions, etc.
However, I think it’s common sense that if you can’t support yourself, you should not be having babies and expecting other people to support them. And so I have no problem with welfare being contingent upon birth control.