I think it's great that you got rid of the baggage but... you seem to only care about the outward appearance of the women you date. maybe I'm wrong, and that's not the case.
I'm in a similar boat in that when my ex and I got divorced, I was 49, had had a mastectomy and was overweight. I figured I'd end up celibate, but turned out I got plenty of dates and had lots of fun. One of the guys who was interested in me was only 19! He came up to me after I gave a speech at the local theater. I did NOT date him, though I did tell him I'd be up for getting together as just friends, and we did that a few times before COVID.
The reason I don't date men who are too much younger - I want a real partner. Not saying that there aren't situations where you and a woman 30 years younger wouldn't be compatible though. Women mature faster than men, after all. And there are advantages for a woman with an older guy.
In my situation, I may be off the market soon, so what do I care? One of the guys I'm dating proposed. I told him maybe... but I'm leaning towards yes since he and I are really compatible and I do love him. He is a few years younger and physically he is not as attractive as many of the other guys BUT we get along really well and on all the major areas he and I are on the same wavelength.
I've just seen many guys focus on looks more than anything else and then they get burned. Women get burned too, but for different reasons...