I think the dog treat thing just shows how warped her mind is. I have a dog. If I met a friendly person who liked dogs (of whatever skin color) and they wanted to offer my dog a treat, I wouldn’t think “Oh, they want to poison my dog!” I would ask the person to give the dog one of the treats in my pocket, though, instead of whatever treat they had, because that is what my dog is used to, but I wouldn’t assume evil intent. I would assume it was a person who liked dogs who wanted to be friendly.
That woman, Ms. Cooper, is a racist and she’s entitled, pure and simple, plus she was mean to her dog. The man was being super polite, so not sure how ANYONE could think he was a threat.
But honestly, some people are just crazy.
One time my ex and I were driving here in Texas in the spring. We were in the middle lane of the highway, driving the speed limit. This idiot starts to tail gate us. She did not pass us on the left like she should have. Nope, just tails us. So my ex tapped the brakes gently a couple of times to encourage her to stop tailing us. I wouldn’t have done that, but… he was OCD about stuff like that.
She finally passed us on the right, yelling and cursing at us through the windshield. Then she called the cops on us.
They came while my husband and I had pulled over near a field of wildflowers. We were enjoying them and the cop was trying hard to keep a straight face. Apparently the woman had convinced highway patrol we were “dangerous”. Then he sees us gently sniffing wildflowers. He was really trying hard not to laugh.
Now, would the outcome have been different if we were black? Years ago I would have said “no”. Now? Not so sure. I would hope the cop would still have the common sense to realize that a couple enjoying wildflowers together is no danger, but after reading about Tamir Rice and some other incidents… my faith in human nature is taking a beating.
There was another incident today where a police officer kept his knee on black man who told him he couldn’t breathe. The man was on his stomach and hand-cuffed. WTH?? Police brutality pure and simple. Once a man is on his stomach and hand-cuffed, no need for that. The police officer in question was white, but black police officers are sometimes just as bad.
It’s really a travesty.