I think you raise really good points.
First of all - I am a Christian but I am FOR sex education. More information is always better. I believe in empowering people and the best way to empower them is to provide them with knowledge.
My only objection to sex education is that I think it should not be done in a co-ed environment for maturity reasons. I remember sex-ed classes I took and the fact is the boys were often joking around to try to impress the girls, etc., girls were often too shy to ask questions in front of the boys, etc.
If we offered single-sex sex education classes, and did it pre-puberty, that would be best, I think. Again, information is never a bad thing.
As far as late term abortion when the mother's life is in danger - no objection from me on this.
As far as the morning after pill - for an adult woman who is raped, it is easy to get the morning after pill. I know because I was raped in college, I went to the college clinic and got it, and this was several decades ago. Nowadays it should be even easier.
Obviously the situation is different for a minor child who is being raped, but, again, if she gets pregnant, why wait until the 9th month to get the abortion? I would imagine the monster raping her would want her to get the abortion as early as possible as this minimizes his chances of being caught?
The difference between you and I might be that I don't see women as powerless, passive beings incapable of self-determination. The whole point of feminism was that women are no longer the property of men, they are independent adults. For women to now say that women are passive victims seems to be taking us back to an earlier era.
Obviously a minor is a different story since she is by definition dependent on others. We as a society need to address the victimization of children in a better way - too often there are cases like that Sandusky guy who was raping little boys, the pedophile priest scandals, etc. Way too many children are abused and that is something we seem to ignore. More recently we are importing Afghans into the country, which is fine, except some of the adult men are coming into our country with their CHILD BRIDES. Obviously these little girls are being abused. Why are we allowing it?
So perhaps abortion laws do need to be more lenient for children who are raped. Again, I am not sure why she couldn't get her abortion early in the pregnancy. It's less dangerous for her, as well. Perhaps we need to do a better job of making sure children in this situation knew about resources that could help them. Not sure what a good solution would be though, but I wish there were a way to protect children better than we currently do.