I think you should try dating again. Why not? There are some superficial men but there are also those who are not.
One thing that I did that you might try — use meet-ups and other social clubs to meet people who have similar interest. Being social, making friends and enjoying your life are more important than dating. Plus if you do find a boyfriend, you want someone who loves you for who YOU are not for the way you look, and that is more likely if you get to know them in this type of setting.
I’d like to say don’t feel insecure but it doesn’t work that way unfortunately. But the other good thing about meet-ups, etc., is that because you are joining not JUST to meet a guy (thought that can be a good result) you are feeling less self-conscious. You can let your natural personality shine. You feel less pressure.
Anyway, I wish you the best of luck. Keep me posted on how it goes!