Member-only story
If Your Man (or Woman)Vacuums — Don’t Complain!
How people make themselves and their partners miserable
When I was married and we both worked, my husband did more of the housework. (When only one of us was working, the other person did 90% of the housework).
The only time I criticized him was when he destroyed my bras when he did laundry. Solution? I took over doing the laundry. It seemed fair because he cleaned the bathrooms.
He hated to iron so I did that. I hated changing the litter box and taking out the trash — so he did those things. He also mopped the kitchen floor and vacuumed. I dusted.
We both cooked. The person who didn’t cook cleaned up after.
He occasionally criticized how I did something. I ignored him. If he criticized again, I informed him that if he wasn’t happy with how I did a chore, he was welcome to do it himself. So, either shut up or put up.
Unfortunately, too many people don’t stand up for themselves when a partner criticizes you over petty crap.
Don’t get me wrong — if your partner sits on his or her lazy a** while you do all the chores and that is making you miserable — they deserve a come-to-Jesus moment.