I'm a Christian and I loved his first book. It makes me sad to find out that he was not who he claimed to be. However, that does not shake my faith. I think it's ridiculous to put people up on a pedestal. It would be great if Christian leaders were actually humble instead of believing the hype that they are somehow holier than anyone else simply because of their position of leadership. Ultimately we are all accountable for our actions.
I read the article you wrote on Gen and honestly, what the heck were church leaders thinking? Don't they read their Bibles?
There is the passage where Jesus talks about how if anyone hurts a little child, it will be like putting a millstone around his neck. There is also the concept of giving to Cesar what is Cesar's.
When we allow a criminal to be arrested, that is in keeping with abiding by the laws of the land.
Is it a good thing to forgive the person? Absolutely. However, that doesn't mean that person should not also face the consequences of his actions. And, in fact, someone who is truly a Christian and is contrite for what he or she has done will want to make reparation for the harm caused.
Bottom line, simply because someone is highly placed in the ministry does not mean he or she is more important than "the least of these". In fact, anyone who has read the gospel knows how dearly Jesus loved the poor, the weak, the despised... He would not condone the abuse of anyone by a modern day Pharisee.