I'm a decent human being who thinks it is ridiculous to intrude on other peoples' deeply personal decisions. I've often had people criticize me and you know what? I really don't give a f*ck. Life is too short. I also could care less what YOU think about me. If you want to judge me - I don't give a d*mn. Feel free to ignore me. I'd prefer it if you did.
BTW, not that it is any of your business, but I was diagnosed with a metastatic lung and brain cancer. I have no idea how much time I've got left to live, but I intend to fill that time with positive experiences and positive people. Someone who doesn't know me who decides to accuse me of gaslighting (and I've been around enough narcissists to know what that is, and, if anything, I'm more of an empath) is not someone I consider a positive person I want to have in my life. Please leave me alone. Thank you.