I'm not partisan - I think both parties are bad. Don't believe me?
Look at LA County. Recently LA County officials (all Dems) banned travel to Texas and Florida. OK. But they are doing NOTHING about the homeless camps. So they waste their time virtue signalling rather than actually helping people.
Because, guess what - banning official travel to TX and FL won't do a darn thing to change the laws in those states. And, what do you want to bet that some of those same officials who passed the law will travel to Florida on vacation, like AOC did? She was captured on film mask-less in Miami... because most politicians on both sides are hypocrites.
How many politicians who say they are for saving the environment actually live a life that would reduce emissions? Not Al Gore who travels by private jet. Trying to find a politician with any sort of integrity is really hard. There have been a few on both sides of the aisle, and independents like Ralph Nader, but they are rare.
The last election, in the Dem primary, I voted for Andrew Yang and I also really liked Tulsi Gabbard, Bernie, and Warren. Instead we got Joe Biden.
Barack Obama himself said that you can rely on Biden to f*ck things up. Under Biden inflation is out of control - we are heading towards Carter era rates of inflation. Guess what? This hits the poor the hardest. The rich won't suffer, the middle class will cut luxuries but still afford necessities, but the poor?
With inflation out of control, what is going to happen to homeless rates? A lot of poor families were already living on the edge.
An argument could be made that it doesn't matter who is in the WH - we were going to have inflation regardless. But Biden seems particularly clueless. At least Clinton felt your pain - and he was also incredibly smart. So was Carter, though he only served one term. But I can't imagine a compassionate man like Carter saying some of the callous things that have come out of Biden's mouth.