I'm on the other side - I hate masks, plus, as someone with lung cancer, I have a medical exemption. I also live in Texas and I see friends, eat out, etc. My boyfriend double masks, won't enter public places, etc.
But... we respect each other. I may not agree with him but I don't have to to provide what is needed. If I meet a group of friends, I let him know ahead of time so he can choose to avoid me until he feels safe. I don't try to modify his behavior. Part of loving someone is accepting and respecting the differences. COVID is not a dealbreaker unless you let it be.
And while I am pro-vaccine, I don't wish any ill on those who don't. People have the right to their own body. Vaccines protect people and I know even if I get COVID I will experience much milder symptoms. I still meet with unvaccinated friends. I don't need to force others to obey me or go against their beliefs. I will cut them off if they try to rant, but so far that's not been a problem. I'm fortunate to have respectful friends.