In my experience, absolutely men like smart women — if they are smart men.
I am very much a sapiosexual myself and I’ve found a lot of luck dating men of high IQ who are also sapiosexual. This despite the fact that I’m over 50, overweight and have only one breast (due to a mastectomy).
Smart men like a woman who challenges them. When you can talk to them about a variety of topics their eyes light up. Throw in a comment about the unified field theory or Austrian economics or the parallels between Beethoven and Iron Maiden and they get hot.
I am currently dating a very attractive man. I’ve seen women throw themselves at him. I am not concerned. The mental connection we have is a much bigger turn on for him than perky breasts (which I don’t have) or a tight butt (which I also don’t have). He calls to talk to me every night we are not together, even when he’s traveling and exhausted. He will talk to me for hours, even though we’ve been dating for 2 years now. We never run out of things to say to each other.
Here’s the thing. For a top IQ guy, a woman of similar IQ is as rare and special as a white buffalo. It’s not a one way street, either. I adore men who challenge me intellectually. We mirror each other, our attraction bouncing back and forth like light waves until it gets laser hot and then the passion ignites… :)