Member-only story
Incels are Lazy as F*ck
They’re not Alone, Of course…
Is it wrong to be single? Absolutely not.
As monks and hermits and maiden aunts have known for millennia, being alone can be wonderful. Many of us prefer our own company. I myself am more introverted than not.
I hang out with friends and I date. I love people I’m close to but I also crave time alone. To read, to think, to play video games… the last few weeks I’ve been into Stardew Valley. It seems to help counteract the pandemic stress… but I digress.
My point was, if a man desires to be alone, or to casually date many women without getting serious with any of them, that isn’t wrong. It’s his choice. A man should not be judged for not wanting to settle down.
My issue, to the extent I have one, is with incels, or involuntary celibates.
Even the name rubs me the wrong way because it implies that they want women for just one purpose — sex. Which explains why they have no luck with the ladies.
The modern women does not want to be seen as merely a soft organic casing around a vagina.
Even women back in the Stone Age wanted more than that. It’s unfortunate that in many cultures women had no options but to accept their role…