I've seen this from the other end, sorta... After my husband of 20 years left me I started dating again. I had a lot of fun.
Several of the men I went out with were younger than I was.
One guy was a Ukrainian immigrant who was 30 years younger. He was adorable and good for my ego. I hung out with him a few times (the modern version of dating, I guess) and it was fun and flattering but I didn't let it go further because I wanted a deep, meaningful relationship.
While older people come with baggage, that is also what makes them fascinating.
I am currently dating a guy much closer to my own age. He's a few years younger but he's fully developed, mature and knows who he is and is confident in himself. We have a true "companionate" relationship.
I'm not knocking relationships that are more like an exchange - he provides security and she provides a hot body and nurturing. As long as both parties are satisfied, it can work. But as she grows older, her needs and desires can change and unless he's prepared to adjust and accommodate her...
But sometimes the May/December romances work. When it does, it's because he doesn't just love her body, he actually loves HER - he's taken the time to get to know her as a whole person, and vice versa - she actually loves him and not just his wallet.