Like I said, if someone says something racist or hateful in front of me, I call them on it. I'm not white and I've never tolerated racism. However, I am well read and I know my history.
For example, Lincoln was the first Republican President - the Republicans were the anti-slavery party. The Democrats were the party of the KKK (historically, this is true.) They were against the Republicans who during the early days after the Civil War championed voting rights for blacks.
Then, after a few short years... it fell by the wayside. The white Republicans moved on and I am sure many blacks felt betrayed.
A Democrat President (Andrew Jackson) also was responsible for the Trail of Tears.
FDR was responsible for the internment camps for Japanese Americans.
Now, as a black woman, maybe you don't care about the oppression other people have faced? But I do - I think injustice is injustice and I don't really care about the races involved.
You can look up some LBJ quotes sometime. Or even some Joe Biden ones. Both of them have said some really racist things. But no one calls them on it, because they are Dems...
Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood sets up offices in predominantly black neighborhoods. Margaret Sanger (the founder) was into eugenics. She wanted to get rid of "inferior races" and by that she meant black and brown people. In America today, black babies are twice as likely to be aborted.
Even if you are pro-choice, can you support politics that favor the preferential aborting of black fetuses?
What about the black family? Did you know that in the 1940s, the number of black babies born out of wedlock was only about 6%?
After the Civil War, black families fought to stay together. That was partially because under slavery, families were often separated based on the whims or economic needs of the masters. After the Civil War, many ex-slaves searched across the country to find their lost loved ones.
Black families stuck together. But after the Great Society and the welfare state - the black family disintegrated. Now most black babies are born out of wedlock. Is this a good thing? Well, the chances of a child being poor and going to prison is much higher for children born out of wedlock. This is not to say there aren't many heroic single women, but the statistics are there.
Is there a correlation? Daniel Moynihan, a Democrat senator, wrote a report in which he talked about how the disintegration of the black family hurt black people.
In politics today, some Democrat policies favor blacks, but so do some Republican policies.
Some Republican policies would be good for black people.
Three I can name - school choice, gun rights and social security reform.
With school choice - black parents can take their kids out of failing schools and put them into good ones. Right now black kids score well below white kids and Asian kids. Part of the problem is the failing public schools. I have black friends who home-schooled their kids and those kids are doing just as well as their white peers. The issue is not that black kids can't do the work - it's that the schools they go to fail them.
Then there is gun rights. One thing you may not know - blacks were forbidden to own weapons for much of the nation's history. That is why the "Black Wall Street" was destroyed by a mob - because the blacks could not defend themselves. Black people, as a minority group, need to have the right to defend themselves. The 2nd Amendment should apply equally to them as to all citizens and it allows blacks to defend themselves and their families.
Finally, there is the real issue of wealth inequality. There are many reasons for this including housing discrimination. In many neighborhoods, there was redlining. Blacks were not able to buy property there. That was wrong.
One thing that the GOP actually did that would have helped blacks - they tried to change social security under George W Bush so that part of that money could be put into an index fund that could be inherited after the person died by their children. This would have benefited the descendants of black men the most because they are the most likely to die young. Right now, black men subsidize white women via social security. Under the Bush plan, the children of black men who died young would have inherited part of that money.
Does this mean the Republicans are great and Dems are bad? No, I think both parties have pros and cons. But I am not a single issue voter and I look at the big picture.
I am not blinded by emotions.
If you want to look at what happens to a country that becomes intolerant - read up on the cultural revolution in China, or what happened in Zimbabwe. It's a horror show.
Mahatma Gandhi said an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. There are peaceful ways to fight for change. Even Malcom X, who advocated for blacks, did not call for unfettered violence. He did call for blacks to defend themselves, which is just common sense. But he also called for blacks to segregate themselves and to focus on their own strong families, communities, etc.
I think he actually had some very constructive and positive things to say and he and the Nation of Islam were focused on elevating blacks. It seems a better way than to try to fit into white society if whites continue to treat blacks like crap. The fact is, why do blacks need whites anyway? To imply that they do implies blacks are inferior. They are not.
The fact that white mobs had to destroy successful black towns shows that there was fear of what united black people could do.
Are black people united today? Then why is there so much crime in mostly black communities? Why do so many blacks get shot by other blacks? Why do successful blacks move out of black neighborhoods instead of staying and lifting up others in the community? What are black politicians actually doing to help other blacks?
Just some thoughts I had...