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More dating advice for men
Practical nuts and bolt stuff
Once upon a time, dating was confusing. It’s only gotten worse as I found out when I re-entered the dating scene after 20 years. I’ve had fun, but sometimes I’ve been astonished or appalled by the men I’ve gone out with.
Since I generally like men, I thought I’d offer up a few tips. Practical tips that tell you what to do, not focus on how you feel. You’re welcome.
These tips come with the assumption that you want a relationship. I have no experience with one-night stands. However, even there, I can offer one bit of advice. Don’t be a douche. Don’t lead women on if all you want is a roll in the hay. The world needs more bitter, angry women like our oceans need more plastic. Show some integrity and avoid the bad karma.
That being said, here are 6 simple rules to ensure a good date.
Have a plan
A mumbled “let’s hang sometime” is not a plan. A vague “I’ll call you” is not a plan. Calling her at 5 to see if she’s free at 7 is not a plan.
If you really like the girl, go the extra mile. Ask her on Monday if she’s free the next weekend. If you want to take her to dinner, suggest a couple of dining options. When agreement is reached, make a reservation. Would she like to meet at the restaurant or…