Most Americans do not support endless war. Yet this seems to be the cycle we are stuck in. One reason I like Tulsi Gabbard — she is a combat veteran who speaks out against the military/industrial complex. Yet she and others with alternate viewpoints, such as Andrew Yang and even to some extent Bernie, seem to be deliberately squashed by the powers that be at the DNC. I write about this some in my article; basically it seems that those in control want to continue our meddling in other peoples’ affairs.
The British used to do this and honestly, a lot of the mess the modern world is in can be laid at their feet. They mastered the art of divide and conquer in Ireland and continued that strategy on the Indian subcontinent. But the thing is — they were doing what they thought best for their empire. The Russians and Chinese are doing the same — the situation in Crimea, for example, and the Chinese attempts to increase its control over the South China Sea, etc. All countries seek to improve their position. So does Pakistan. So does India.
With the US — the founding fathers warned specifically warned about avoiding European wars, but the larger context was — you have an ocean to buffer you from conflict. Stay on your side and avoid foreign wars.
The US pretty much did until Teddy Roosevelt decided it would be a fantastic romp to go over to Cuba with the Rough Riders. Next thing you know, we won the Spanish American War and had colonies of our own. And that got the ball rolling for us to decide we wanted to play on the world stage, too…