Member-only story
Moving Day In South Carolina
Seeing faith and love expressed actively grew my own faith
I grew up in New York City. Yes, the actual city. And I went to college in Cambridge, Massachusetts. So I basically lived in the Northeastern United States until I graduated from college and moved to South Carolina to start my first job.
To say I experienced culture shock would be an understatment.
Among other things — everyone had a church affiliation. That was one of the things you’d ask people at a barbecue or party — where did they work? What town were their families from? And where did they go to church?
I had become a Christian at MIT, which was actually a bold thing in the Northeast where many were proudly atheist and assumed the religious were ignorant or misinformed. When I told fellow students I was a Christian, I was sometimes insulted to my face. So were other people of faith that I knew, including my Orthodox Jewish friends.
In South Carolina… it was assumed I went to church, even if it was only a few times a year.
My new job was at the NCR plant in the town of Liberty, South Carolina.
Though it was really more of a village than a town. One winter there was a “blizard” (about 3 inches of snow fell). The stores were out of milk…