Member-only story
My Cat is Codependent
Is that my fault, or hers?
I sing “Soft Kitty” to my cat. I croon to her when I cradle her in my arms. I feed her treats on demand. I jump up to open doors for her.
She has me well trained. She’s the tiny, soft, furry tyrant of the house.
But it’s not a one-way street. She sits in my lap whenever she can. I tell her I’m trying to work, why not sit beside me instead? She swats my hand aside with her paw. She lies there purring loudly, daring me to move her.
Sometimes I do. She protests loudly. She runs off in a huff. A short while later she’s back. Back in my lap.
She always wants to be with me. She watches me type and puts a paw on the keyboard. I swat it off. She puts it back on.
If I play a game, she’s fascinated. If I read a book, she wants to chew the cover.
God help me if I decide to cook fish.
She used to be a feral cat. You’d never know it to look at her now though. She’s come in out of the cold. She’s a domesticated goddess now, hearkening to her Egyptian ancestors in her regal dignity, a dignity that is shattered when we bring out the feather toy.
I’m not sure my relationship with my cat is a healthy thing. I fear we’re codependent. But I’m not sure whose fault it is, not sure if there’s a solution, and, to be honest, not sure I even want things to change.
After all, on a cold winter’s day, there’s nothing more comforting than a warm cat, codependent or not…