My divorce cost less than $200. Because my ex and I managed to stay civil. We both agreed to be fair and not use the settlement process to seek revenge.
I remember at one point, I'd emailed him an agreement that he'd verbally agreed to, and he came back with something much more draconian. So I called him and asked, "Have I been anything but fair to you? Have I not been bending over backwards? So why are you now changing your mind so drastically on what we'd agreed on?"
And he admitted that some friends of him had talked to him about being "tough" with me. So I asked if that was what he really wanted - that we both get tough and lawyer-up. And he sheepishly confessed that he'd rather not go down that road.
So we again discussed terms and I agreed to compromise a little and he agreed to compromise a bit as well, and we got it done without any lawyers.
Lawyers cost money. If you can avoid using them, it's amazing how much you will save.
My ex did agree to pay me support for 3 years, but that's because I'm a cancer survivor and I'd just had a mastectomy. He had an affair while I was recovering, thus the divorce. Unfortunately he lost his job 2 years after our divorce and stopped paying me. I could sue him thanks to our divorce decree, but I don't see the point of kicking someone while they're down. He's told me that when he gets back on his feet, he'll pay me what he owes and I believe him.
At any rate I've moved on with my life. It's been a lot easier to do that since I haven't wasted time and energy being angry at him.