My ex-husband did more housework than I did. However, I did the “connection” stuff like making sure his mother got a card on her birthday and his nieces and nephews got Christmas presents. I also took the cat to the vet. OTOH, he cleaned the litter box because he knew I hated to do it.
We didn’t have children, but if we had, I suspect he would have changed his share of the diapers though I’d be the one taking the kid to the doctor’s.
Here’s the thing — when you are dating, observe what kind of man he is. If he’s lazy, slovenly, mean or an a**, don’t marry him. Good men are out there, we don’t have to settle. If that means we remain single, so be it. I love having a good man in my life but I’d rather be single than be stuck with a bad one.
Another thing this article doesn’t address — what are children doing to contribute?
If they are old enough to go to school, they are old enough to do some chores. I have a neighbor whose 10 year old daughter makes (a simple) breakfast and whose 12 year old son does the laundry. There is absolutely no reason older children cannot be assigned some chores. They also live in the house after all.