My Friend Woke Up at 5am For Me

Because I needed a ride

Shefali O'Hara
2 min read3 days ago

For the last 2 months, I’ve had 3 rounds of antibiotics because I kept getting sinus infections. I went to an ENT specialist and he sent me to ARA, which is Austin Diagnostic Imaging Services.

The issue?

I needed to be there at 6:30 in the morning.

I asked a friend if she could come get me, and she agreed. She would have to get up at 5am to get me at 6am.

I told her she was like my sister, because she was willing to do this.

In fact, she is so much dearer and closer to me than my own brother, who I am alienated from. It makes me sad, because I will probably never get to know my nieces. He (my brother) hasn’t even seen my mother in several years though he does send her flowers once a year on her birthday.

My friend and I consider ourselves sisters in Christ, which is a term often used by close Christian friends. We are also sisters in terms of personalities — we share many of the same traits.

I have found this repeatedly in my life as I struggle with cancer. God provides the people I need, and they are happy to help.

There are other people in my life who I now consider family in a way my brother never was. They pray for me, they talk to me, they…



Shefali O'Hara

Cancer survivor, writer, engineer. BSEE from MIT, MSEE, and MA in history. Love nature, animals, books, art, and interesting discussions.