No, there are MANY views. There is an Indian parable about the 6 blind men who touch an elephant and then describe him...
Also, have I insulted you? Asking you to provide real proof for your views is not an insult. It's what any thinking person would do.
The thing is - I may actually agree with you that hte Russian government is repressive. I've had many Russian friends. However, you made statments without PROOF.
I provide sources. I ask you to do so if you want to make your point. You cite Medium articles but don't even provide a link. Is it because these articles are also pure opinion pieces? Why would I take as news opinion piecs?
As I said, I am a traditional liberal. However, without PROOF it's not a fact. It's just an opinion.
And I don't blindly trust anyone. Of course the Russians have propaganda. Do you honestly think the US doesn't? Do you think US corporations don't spend tons of money brainwashing people?
I myself get my news from a variety of news sources, most non-American. That doesn't mean they don't put their own spin on it but it's DIFFERENT from the American spin, so I get different perspectives.
I like WION (Indian), DW (German), Al Jazeera, and the French press. I used to read the Hong Kong press but not anymore. I still sometimes read the BBC and other British sources. Recently a friend turned me on to a very good Swedish site.
Not trying to say I'm in any way better than you, I just like to read lots of news sources and if you disagree with me, I respect that but I'm not going to just take your viewpoint at face value.
Relationships of any sort are based on mutual respect. That means we discuss ideas and don't get into personal insults. If you can't show me the same respect I show you, then let's move on.
If you actually have facts, data, video evidence, journalistic sources, personal experiences from friends and colleagues on site, etc.,. then I'd love to learn more, however.
If I have insulted you in any way, I apologize. However, even if you felt insulted, that does not give you the right to insult me.