None of this is even Biblical!!!! Of course, this is true of any religion. For example, Islam - the way it is practiced is often very much AGAINST what actually occurred among early Muslims, who, for example, had female teachers. Or in Hinduism - in the pantheon, there are always male/female dualities but in actual Indian life women are often oppressed. People blame the religion when it's actually power hungry men and women who foist this crap on others in the name of religion.
Re. Christianity - the Bible has MANY examples of women helping each other and also both Jesus and others in the NT praise women who run businesses outside their home. Proverbs 31 talks about a woman who buys and sells land.
The fact is that historically, life has been harder for women. Jesus acknowledges this - if you read what HE said and did carefully, He is much more compassionate and kind towards women than men. He empowered them to take a more active role in an ancient society that often left them voiceless - He encouraged them to learn and teach and voice opinions at a time when this was not done, He encouraged them to speak out, to not be confined to domestic duties... for a modern pastor to assume that Christ or the Bible call for women to never leave the home is absolutely un-Biblical.
But the fact that people do this does not surprise me. There are always some people who crave power over others and they can easily manipulate credulous people and religious texts to make their case.