Not everyone has the skills and drive, etc., that you do. Some people have health issues. Some people deal with adverse circumstances. And, you know what? They can still make their dreams come true without having to beg.
That’s the thing. There really is no excuse for this type of behavior. These people are acting like spoiled children. What is sad is that their parents have sometimes enabled them to be dependent even into their 30s or 40s.
It’s this type of thing that gives millennials a bad name.
The thing is, even without an online business, etc., there are ways to travel. For example, you could teach English abroad. Live for a year in a foreign country very frugally and use whatever you make to finance side trips to neighboring countries.
Or you can go on a work Visa and take manual labor jobs. Back in my day (I’m generation Z) I had friends who waitressed or worked construction.
The other cool thing about working abroad is that you make connections and friends, which is a great way to get to know the country better than just being a tourist.