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Playing D&D with Women
The Dynamics are Different
I recently started playing D&D with a new group. It’s different than any other group I’ve played with. This was highlighted at our last session, which happened to be the DM’s birthday.
You see, this group is mostly women.
The DM (Dungeon Master) is a woman. Four of the five players are also female. There are two men— one is a player and the other does voice overs for the NPCs, but that’s it.
Most gaming groups I’ve been a part of have been mostly male, with maybe one other woman, who was seldom the DM.
My favorite prior group was a bunch of small-town Texas cops who I played with for two years. In that case, I was the only woman. Those guys were intense and made the fight scenes super realistic. I appreciated this — as a member of the JV fencing team in college, I liked to add that knowledge to my in-game swordplay and it was fun to have mates with similar gusto.
So D&D with mostly women is a new experience for me. After a few sessions, I can say that, in most ways, it’s not that different from playing with men.
One exception is that none of the players is antisocial or selfish. In every other D&D campaign I’ve played, there was that one guy who everyone found annoying. Maybe he was a self-proclaimed expert…