Member-only story
Playing Dress Up
Even big girls sometimes just want to have fun
I have cancer, as many of my readers know. I have a metastatic type of cancer. Originally it was in my brain, lungs, and liver. It has spread to the bones.
So as you can imagine — there is a lot I can’t do.
A lot of times I am dealing with pain.
I need help to do basic things.
Only God knows how long I have.
However… I want to live. I assume I will. I plan to live. Maybe I am overly optimistic, but so what? Better to anticipate happy outcomes than to be mired in constant melancholy and despair.
For as long as I have left, I want to experience joy, connection, love, friendship…
My friends matter to me. They support and care for me throughout the cancer. They take me for to Texas Oncology every week as well as to other medical appointments such as MRIs. They pick up meds for me, pray with me, comfort me when I am sad and celebrate with me when I hear good news.
So of course I want to be for them too, as much as I can.
Last weekend a very good friend celebrated her 40th birthday party. She threw a prom themed event at a local hall. There were disco lights and dance music and everyone dressed up in whatever themed…