Racism does exist, but Meghan was not without blame. Just my opinion. Since I was not there, I don't know - and it's true that black people often are held to a higher standard, and that's not fair. That being said...
Joining the royals is not a cakewalk. Just ask Fergie (who was trashed by the tabloids), Diana, etc. Princess Grace apparently had a rough time, too.
When Meghan got engaged, she was assigned someone who spent 6 months bringing her up to speed on protocol and what was expected of royals. One of the rules - royals don't wear black except at funerals and other somber occasions. Yet Meghan kept wearing black. Now, she looks terrific in black and it's a silly rule but still... there are numerous other examples of Meghan either ignoring or flouting protocol.
Re. security - Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, etc., don't have 24/7 security details either. British taxpayers pay for security, and they are provided for official functions. When Harry and Meghan stopped performing official duties...
Then there were several inconsistencies from the Oprah interview. I was much more sympathetic to Meghan until I looked into those, as well as her treatment of prior friends and family members who she seems to drop from her life when they are no longer useful to her. There were interviews with former friends of hers, family members, etc., which give another side to the story.