Rejection is not unique to trans people. ALL of us (well, maybe not George Clooney) have experienced it at some time or other.
When I was in college, I asked a few guys out. That gave me a taste of what it’s like for men in traditional roles, because I put myself out there and I had to deal with rejection when it happened.
But that’s OK. Because I learned not to take it personally.
You can be the most awesome person in the world, but if someone doesn’t find you sexually attractive, that’s just the way it is. And your trans friend sounds like she was pretty awesome.
Sometimes you wish you had chemistry with someone but you can’t force it. Other times you find someone totally mesmerizing but they are just awful for you. There’s a book, “Of Human Bondage” that deals with this in a really poignant way.
It’s OK to be honest.
What is NOT OK is to not treat someone else with respect. Which you didn’t do. You were respectful and kind. We need more of that in this world.