So, I am in my early 50s. My ex husband left me after I had a mastectomy, a few years ago. So, here I was - 49 years old, one breast and overweight. I went on the dating scene expecting to get no nibbles but... men really are not that superficial.
Sure, there were guys who didn't want to date me because of my looks/age. But surprisingly, I had lots of guys who liked me. And I had a great time going out with them.
I insisted that the first date be a coffee date. Some guys wanted to see me again. Some took me out to nice dinners. Others wanted to go dancing or play pinball or go for a walk in the park. It's all cool.
I kept my expectations low and focused on having fun. I think that's the way to just relax and enjoy yourself. Why get caught up in "tiers"?
If you enjoy being called randomly for a Netflix and chill by some dude - why not enjoy it for what it is? When you're tired or busy, you can say "No, catch you next time" but when you are feeling bored yourself, why not enjoy having a guy to cuddle with in front of a movie?
The thing is, you should be dating other guys too, not fixating on just one. At least, not until you actually get to know each other as real people. And that takes time.
In the interim - why make everything heavy?
FYI, by just taking my time and enjoying the process... I've had several guys try to move the relationship to the "next level". I'm not going there right now. I'm having too much fun. When I am ready, I am confident the right guy will come along and I'll move on to the next stage in my life.