so, you are OK with controlling other people's bodies, their medical health decisions and removing their freedoms. All to save them of course. Have you read about Tuskegee, the Nuremberg Codes or the illegalization of drugs that used to be readily available?
I am a classic liberal. I believe in individual rights. I am pro-vaccine but against coercion. Plus I actually have some research training. Data is available that shows that for healthy young people, the chances of dying from COVID are tiny but long COVID is a factor. For older people and those with co-morbidities, COVID vaccines are good and save lives. But we don't mandate flu shots, and the flu is also likely to kill these groups at similar rates to COVID.
Most people should get vaccinated. But no one should be forced.
I believe in actual science based on actual data, and I am against authoritarians imposing control over peoples' rights. Feel free to cancel or ban me if you can't deal with my views.