Stop taking care of him. Take care of yourself and the baby. Why buy presents for his family, or for him? Don't do it anymore. Why make appointments for him? Don't. Don't pay any of his bills. Don't wash his clothes. Get paper plates so you don't have to wash dishes. Tell him he needs to pay for half the cost of the apartment and utility bills. If he won't, then figure out if there are bills that only he cares about, and tell him he is now responsible for them. Maybe that means cable gets cut off. Only cook for yourself and the baby. Stop talking to him. Talking to him does not work. Quietly focus on just yourself and your baby. If you need emotional support, go find girlfriends, mother's groups, etc. Get out of the house and find women who will give you the support you need and who you can support.
Your husband is a man-child. He is not an adult. However, you are enabling him. When you stop enabling him one of two things will happen.
he may step up to the plate. Or, he may leave.
If he leaves, you are not any worse off than you are now. You'll be able to sue him for support so you will get financial support you are not currently getting. You will be able to move to a cheaper place, not have to care for him, etc., so, overall - you'll be better off.
But by stepping back - you give him the chance to make the choice. If he chooses to engage and step up to the plate - then you can work together.