that is disgusting!!! (the French taco. It's like a taco poutine. YECH!)
Since moving to Texas I have become a taco snob.
I like small local places like Veracruz or Cuantos Tacos, but I'll also go to a few chains like Torchy's or Chuy's with friends.
Other parts of the Southwest have distinctive flavors, like the blue corn tortillas and hatch chilies of New Mexico. California tacos tend to be lighter and it's the state that gave us the baja taco (thank you CA!). Arizona uses some interesting ingredients like nopales.
Basically, I love most varieties of tacos you can find in the American Southwest. I won't eat tacos in other regions of America, like the Northeast.. and the only time I ate a taco outside the US (in Ireland) I was deeply disappointed.