That is what people don't seem to get. In order to be a "10" or a "9", most women have to dedicate a lot of time and effort to it. And if your goal is a partner to BE witih, why would you want that?
Same when it comes to men who are making millions. To be at the top of their career, they have to work their butts off. And, again, if you want someone to spend time with...
I actually grew up in NYC too, but I left for college. Honestly, for me, it's about getting to know someone as a human being. I want someone who is a good person that I enjoy being with.
Re. the stuff about women in NYC wanting the guy to be a 10 too... if it's a one-night stand, sure. But for a relationship? Who cares? Seriously. If I'm with someone who is genuine and we're happy together, then why would I care if he's got a little bit of a pot belly or a receding hairline or if he's 5'7" instead of 5'10"?