the guardian article you cite is pretty horrifying.
the reason I use “rare” is that I look at percentages.
If, out of 100 children, 1 is abusive towards parents, that is rare, in my opinion. But your definition might be different. I couldn’t find a definitive quantitative definition.
I tried to look up statistics regarding the percentages of children who are abusive, and couldn’t find good numbers. I did find some research articles that indicated that children who become abusive start to show violent tendencies very young — as early as 2 years old, and that having a father in the home mitigates the problems caused by adolescent boys.
This is a real problem and it’s serious but I still think it’s rare compared to normal, non-abusive families and those where the children are abused. But if you have data and statistics that show something different, I would be interested in seeing it.
Here was an interesting article…