the only quibble I have with this - I don't think animals should be treated that way either! if you have a dog that is always gentle and then one day he starts snapping, or a cat that always uses the litter box and then one day has accidents... to me that's not a reason to punish the animal, it's a reason to investigate if there is a medical cause.
the fact that they don't try to diagnose the real issue with these children makes me very angry. it's not the child's fault that he or she can't communicate. the child still feels pain. he or she still should be treated with respect.
I was having this conversation just today with a friend. a girl we know has been acting out lately and my friend categorized her as a "problem child". No, I said, she's a TROUBLED child. she is in pain. trying to force her to behave without addressing the pain is ludicrous.