The reason there are so many uninsured - there are a lot of illegals in the state. I'm against illegals for a variety of reasons. One - when Covid is still such a huge issue, do we need unscreened people entering our country? Also, when so many Americans are either unemployed or underemployed, do we need to bring in more workers to compete with them? Finally - the immigrants themselves are exploited. That is wrong on a human level.
Unlike legal residents, illegals do not get benefits and often are not protected in the workplace. An American who experiences a workplace injury due to negligence can sue. Illegals can't. They are often treated shabbily by employers and have no recourse.
You can't blame illegals for wanting to come here - they just want a better life. They are fellow human beings and, when I've talked to them, many share how lonely they are and how they miss their families and their native culture. While I don't think people should be rewarded for breaking the law, at the same time I wish we had come up with better solutions than "build a wall".
Re. myself - I'm a transplant to Texas from Colorado, though I grew up in New York City. I like living in Texas. I do hate fire ants though!