There are options to Uber and Lyft. Where I live, Austin, there is another ride share option— Ride Austin. It is a non-profit. Users have the option to round up the amount they pay and contribute that extra amount to charity. Drivers are all vetted, and they make a little more per trip than Uber or Lyft drivers. People who use Ride Austin pay a little less. Because it’s a non-profit, the difference is split between rider and driver, so everyone wins.
Ride Austin does not provide sick benefits either, though. As a non-profit, they don’t have the funds to do so, anyway.
There used to be options for independent contractors to buy reasonably priced catastrophic health insurance. Basically, this is health insurance that does not pay for your doctor’s visits or checkups, but if you face an emergency, it will cover the costs. I believe this type of insurance was made illegal under the Affordable Care Act.
It used to be possible for independent contractors to band together to buy group catastrophic care insurance. That was a way for them to save money while still getting the care they need.