There is a difference between speaking out against a racist vs. killing that person or threatening violence.
I find it instructive that Trump supporters were able to hear Black Lives Matter without being triggered, while so-called educated college students threatened Coulter.
Is Coulter awful? Of course. But I am a traditional liberal of the John Stuart Mill variety. I take Voltaire’s comment seriously.
Coulter has the right to speak. We have the right to critique what she says. Violence does not belong in the mix.
I have gotten very upset on a couple of occasions when I wanted to hear a conservative speaker and they were shouted down by angry leftists. I am politically more in alignment with the left on many issues, but one thing I would never do is shout someone down to silence them. That is what totalitarians do. They try to muzzle people who disagree with their ideology.
We have seen where that leads. In Nazi Germany and in Communist China it led to death.
All people have the right to speak. If I don’t like what someone says, I don’t try to ban what they say, I come up with reasoned arguments for why they are wrong. I will never deny anyone else the rights I want for myself.