There were certain facts that came out if you watched the actual trial footage, vs. just read the media accounts. Not sure why the media didn't provide full coverage but, here are a few facts based on the actual court footage and witness accounts:
1) Rittenhouse did NOT bring a weapon across state lines. He apparently was loaned one by a friend in Kenosha. Bizarre, I know, but that is actually the fact.
2) Each of the three men Rittenhouse shot were white. So race was not really a factor. Additionally, one of the men was a 5-times convicted child molester. I realize that should not make a difference in terms of Rittenhouse's guilt but it's hard for me to care that a guy who apparently anally raped little boys got killed.
3) Rittenhouse, according to video footage AND testimony by witnesses was RUNNING AWAY when he was attacked. He ONLY shot people AFTER he was attacked. That is why he was able to claim self-defense. I am not sure that is a valid claim in each instance where he shot someone, but honestly, what kind of moron do you have to be to chase AFTER someone with a gun and attack them?
4) Rittenhouse was an idiot, but he was also 17 years old. Who hasn't been an idiot at 17? I realize many young black kids of the same age don't get the same tolerance as white kids for their idiocy, and that is unfair, but the fact is that I blame the parents more than the kid. Why did the parents give their child permission to go into a riot? Did they know he'd be loaned a gun? Were they OK with that?
BTW, I would like to see black kids get the same benefit of the doubt that white kids get. All too often, black people are assumed guilty instead of being presumed innocent. THAT is a real injustice and it needs to change.