they are like addicts.
My ex's mom was like that. She ended up living in poverty and the kids helped her because no one wanted her to starve. BUT... they didn't give her any money.
Instead, one brother paid her electric bill (directly to the electric company), one paid her heat, and the third paid the lot fee on her mobile home. None of them sent the payments to her because they knew that instead of paying the bills she would spend the money. They told her to use her social security, food stamps, etc., to pay for food.
A few times a year - her birthday, Christmas, and Mother's Day - we sent her a gift certificate to Target.
She kept asking for money but we refused to give it to her but we also didn't let her be homeless. She had been a good mother when her kids were living with her, but after they left home she changed... we all felt sorry for her but we weren't going to let her have a blank check.