this is a great article. I wish every man would read this and take it to heart.
I once dated a man who was quite wealthy and he seemed like a genuinely nice man. But on the third date we kissed and he had horrible halitosis. I had to ask myself - if his BREATH smells that bad, what do other parts of him smell like? I never accepted another date from him.
I've never had sex without an orgasm BUT I am VERY picky and selective. Too many women think they need a man to have great sex. Guess what, you know your own body and can pleasure yourself. If a man asks you out on a date and does not prove himself trustworthy, kind, clean, etc., then you can always go home and love yourself.
Because I am very selective, I've never had a lover who has not worked to please me. Typically, my approach weeds out most men, because they simply won't wait until they win my trust. This is a good thing. I don't waste my time, or theirs. I truly enjoy sex because, knock on wood, so far I've only had good experiences.
And I watch everything. How does he treat the waitress? Is he mean to his mother or sister? Does he trash the mother of his child? Is he cruel to pets? Does he take advantage of business associates? Does he use the n-word? All of these give us a clue into an awful human being. If all women stopped having sex with these jerks, the gene-pool might vastly improve.