This is something I just can’t get my head around. That we think it’s OK to do this to farm animals.
Once upon a time, America (and most of the West) was much more agrarian. And most farms were smaller. Animals actually lived outside and enjoyed sunshine, fresh air and companionship.
In some ways the times were more brutal — the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was founded by a man who saw a horse being beaten when it was too exhausted to pull a cart. He stopped the man from whipping the horse. He was deeply hurt by this cruelty and founded the RSPCA to do something about it. He later fought against slavery. He was a Christian whose faith was very strong.
So life was not perfect, obviously, for either animals or human beings for much of history. Yet what has happened with factory farms is an unprecedented evil, I think, for animals.
Add to that the experiments we conduct on animals in our laboratories…
I think we all need to make changes in our lives. Even small changes can help. Don’t wear fur. Don’t buy make-up that was tested on animals. Don’t get a dog from the pet store, instead go the shelter or a rescue. Only buy pastured meat. Or — don’t buy any meat — go vegan.
Recently I needed a medication that I knew used animal products. I asked my doctor if there was a vegan option. Fortunately I live in the Austin area and she was able to prescribe a compound drug for me that is vegan and does what I need.
This is why consumers need to educate themselves.
I would love to live in a world where animals were recognized to have rights and treated with respect.