this is truly profound. men don't TALK about their feelings so people assume they don't feel. That is incredibly misguided.
Men are creatures of passion and feeling just as women are. We are both human. We both have all of the emotions. But thanks to differences in biology and socialization, we may express our feelings in different ways.
Just because men may express their feelings differently doesn't mean their emotions are less authentic, less real and less deserving of respect.
Women have had to fight to be taken seriously in many areas and it's been a hard struggle for them. I think it's very important that women be treated with respect, and in this sense I am a feminist.
I am not a feminist, however, if it means we devalue men. As strong women, we should be able to embrace our power without demeaning or degrading men. We should respect each other, warts and all.
Men are not perfect, and neither are women. But we are both part of the same race - the human race.