this isn't really fair to many pro-life people of all persuasions - some of the ones I know are Hindu, some Christians, some Muslim, some agnostic. many are people of color.
The thing is, I don't want the government getting involved in policing women's bodies, or anyone's body, for that matter. So in one sense, if you are pro-choice, I agree with you.
But it's not fair for you to put all pro-lifers in the same tiny box. Some are sincerely sensitive, loving people who really want the best. Some of the ones I've known have given multiple children loving homes. In some cases, the children had been in foster care, and despite learning disabilities and other issues, the new parents gave them what they needed to have a decent life. It's not easy, what they've done.
Such people deserve praise, not condemnation.
The ones who are on a power trip or have some other awful reason for wanting to control others - no problems with you condemning them.