Member-only story
“This or That” Challenge — My Twenty Answers
Thanks to for inviting me to participate!
- Resolutions or no resolutions? No resolutions. If I am going to do something, I’ll do it either way. If I don’t follow through, a resolution just makes me feel guilty.
- Oceans or mountains? While oceans can be beautiful, I prefer the mountains. If I had a choice, I’d live in the mountains and take vacations by the ocean.
3. Fiction or non- fiction? I read both but lately it’s been mostly fiction because I am trying to keep things light while I deal with cancer. I’m reading a lot of sci fi and fantasy these days but I go through phases. Sometimes I love to read mysteries, sometimes thrillers, sometimes history, philosophy, science, or biographies.
4. Morning or night? I used to be a night person but since the cancer I am now a morning person.
5. Long or short? Hair, vacation, fiction? What? I’ll say long… except right now my own hair is very short because I lost it during chemo.
6. Books or audiobooks? Actual books. I have listened to audiobooks when driving long distances but that’s about it.
7. Coffee or tea? I start the day with a cup of Harney & Sons tea when I first get up, then…