Member-only story
Trans People Can Also Do Bad Things
Because they are human beings like the rest of us
I am against discriminating against anyone, regardless of race, gender, religious affiliation (or lack thereof), ethnicity, and, yes, sexual or gender identity. If someone comes out as trans — that is none of my business… UNLESS that person tries to infringe on my personal space.
This is where I think some progressives get out of line. Just my opinion of course, but I consider myself to be a traditional liberal. Which means I believe in the basic human rights and freedoms of all people. I believe all people should be treated with dignity and respect, whether they are wealthy, homeless, undocumented, or their ancestors came over on the Mayflower.
So I think the every person indicted in the United States deserves equal access to our legal system — whether the person was accused of being a Muslim terrorist, an antifa rioter, or a J6 insurrectionist. They all are entitled under the law to get their day in court.
Sometimes this results in a miscarriage of justice in the sense that a guilty person walks free. However, as Benjamin Franklin famously said, “better 100 guilty persons should escape than that one innocent person should suffer.”