Um, have you heard of something called the Marshall Plan? Passed in 1948, it was used to rebuild Europe after WWII… the US gave about $100 billion in 2018 dollars. Do you think that might have helped Europe be modern? We also, BTW, helped Japan…
Also, have you heard of the Cold War? Because the US took the responsibility for defending Europe, European countries spent much less of their GDP on defense. Do you think that helped them pay for universal health care?
Finally, you mention the UN. Which country pays the lion’s share to the UN, including giving it free space in New York City? Also, did you realize that the UN was something an American conceived… well, originally it was Woodrow Wilson pushing for a League of Nations. That’s a very modern idea, isn’t it?
As far as free medical care… the US medical system used to be among the best in the world. There was a reason so many discoveries were made in America and so many people traveled here for pioneering surgeries, etc.
We also used to have doctors making home visits. This happened as late as the 1960s… you can see doctors making home visits on old black and white TV shows set in the ’60s. So what happened?
The reality is much more complex than “universal health care”.
Also — while the US wasn’t the first country to outlaw that (I think the UK was), it was still one of the first. Slavery still exists in parts of Africa. I was reading a heart-breaking article about slavery in Mauritania.
In that country, the lighter skinned Arabs still have darker skinned African slaves.
You know all those eunuchs you read about in the Arabian Nights? They were usually black slaves who’d had their genitals cut off when they were little boys. The death rate was pretty high since these were not “modern” operations… which is one reason eunuchs cost so much… you had to operate on several little boys if you wanted to make sure you got a eunuch.
Yet when we talk about slavery, it’s always America that seems to be blamed as the source of all that is evil. Yet slavery existed thousands of years before the US was founded and still exists in some places.
Why is it that so many people from all over the world try to come to America, yet America is considered “so horrible” and so primitive, etc.?